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Tuesday, May 11, 2010


Tomorrow We Take off for Africa!

Tomorrow we leave Pittsburgh and fly to Same, Tanzania! Peter has already been there a little more than a week, so it will be wonderful to be together as a family again. Going on mission trips as a family is so great! I have never regretted that we bring our kids into sometimes very remote areas, where there's no water, electricity, we sleep on the ground sometimes on our air mattrasses under a thin mosquito-net :). Sounds frightening to some, but it is sooooooooo much fun! And the adventure part is just the little bonus really.

The real reward is to see thousands of precious men and women, young adults and senior citizens run into the arms of Jesus! To see the blind woman gaze into the lights beacuse Jesus has just opened her eyes and the light is so strong, or the little girl, unable to walk because of Polio take her first steps on thin spagetti-legs after Jesus has touched her body... To be out with our Bible School students in the villages and see them dance, do drama, preach and testify and realize how much God has done in their lives over the last year is incredible! I wish I could take all of you, my wonderful friends with me on one of these trips - it changes you forever!

Lucas - getting ready for the trip!

This time we have so many kids from the SOS families with us that our Childrens Pastor in SOS Church Stockholm is arranging a kids festival too! Michael and Josefina are practising dance and preparing what they want to say to the children in Same. I am so proud of them! So looking forward to this trip - Africa is so special to me, there is no continent that touches my heart like just Africa!

Sweet toddler years, ha ha!


About The Almqvists

Hi, my name is Peter Almqvist and I am a minister of help. I work with setting up large outdoor evangelistic festivals all around the world, primarily in Africa. Currently we are on what we are calling the African Capital City Tour, or ACCT for short. We preach the gospel to those that have not heard or have yet to respond. The cry of the lost has been heard and we are responding to their SOS.


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