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Friday, August 26, 2011


Building the Kingdom!

Lately I've been thinking a lot about what we do when we build the Kingdom of God, and what it means to be a part of just that. The Kingdom of God is HUGE and great and I'm so honored to be a part of it, but every Kingdom is made up of little bits and pieces, or bricks you could say. There is no great building that just "started to exist" and that is all in one piece from the start... You have to start building, digging for the foundation, laying the foundation, then laying brick after brick after brick - until the building is great and huge.

The Kingdom of God is the same way, the brick is you and me, and what we do for the Lord. When we do our very best, whatever task we have in front of us, whether it's mothering your kids, taking care of your home, helping your neighbor, preaching, working as a nurse, lawyer or an admin assistant, we are laying yet another brick to what is the Kingdom of God. So it's so important that we serve the Lord with all our heart, always trying to do our uttermost best, to be excellent AND dependant on God! Sometimes when I am doing something that I don't think of as very significant or important I try to remind myself; I'm laying another brick to the Kingdom - and all of a sudden the task that I thought was quite boring becomes more fun :)!

Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters...
Col 3:23

You are a Kingdom builder - be meticulous, excellent and serve with a heart full of gratitude, in the Holy Spirit you can!


About The Almqvists

Hi, my name is Peter Almqvist and I am a minister of help. I work with setting up large outdoor evangelistic festivals all around the world, primarily in Africa. Currently we are on what we are calling the African Capital City Tour, or ACCT for short. We preach the gospel to those that have not heard or have yet to respond. The cry of the lost has been heard and we are responding to their SOS.


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