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Tuesday, September 8, 2009


Michael in Swedish School

So, today was the big day for Michael to start second grade in Sweden! He will be in the same class as Adam (Johannes and Maria's son) and he was so EXCITED this morning!!! Peter or I have to be there with though since he doesn't have insurance to be in a Swedish school, but they get off at 1 or 1.30 PM every day so it will work. It will be good for him to be in a regular school setting again, he needs that ;)!!! Here's a picture of his "new" school, hopefully we'll be back to his old school soon.


About The Almqvists

Hi, my name is Peter Almqvist and I am a minister of help. I work with setting up large outdoor evangelistic festivals all around the world, primarily in Africa. Currently we are on what we are calling the African Capital City Tour, or ACCT for short. We preach the gospel to those that have not heard or have yet to respond. The cry of the lost has been heard and we are responding to their SOS.


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