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Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Thankful for...

It's Thanksgiving day tomorrow and I'm sitting here reflecting on what I am thankful for... God has given me such a rich life and there's so much to thank Him for.

I am thankful for;

  • My relationship with Jesus - He saved me 19 years ago and life with Him gets better every day!
  • Peter - he lights up my day and gives his life for me and the kids every day of the year!
  • Michael - his sensitive spirit and personality drives me to become a better mom and person!
  • Josefina - her smile and constant new creative ideas makes me see life from a different angle and teaches me the diversity of life!
  • Lucas - my joy and baby that will become a big brother in just a few days!
  • Our little one yet to see the world - eager to meet him/her soon!
  • My mom and dad, sister HelĂ©n and brother Marcus!
  • My mom and dad-in-law and Peter's siblings!
  • My SOS family - Johannes and Maria for sharing life with us, being our family and opening the door to Holy Spirit adventures among the unreached peoples!
  • My APC family - Jeff and Melodie for welcoming us into APC and making us feel so at home here!

Oh, there is so much more to thank Him for, all the little miracles of everyday, (I got a parking spot just right by the entrance to my Dr Office today) the smile on your kid's face when you are having "fika" on ginger bread muffins when they get home from school...



Published: By: The Almqvists - 1:41 PM

Friday, November 19, 2010

Friends and a New Admin!

This last week has been amazing in many ways. We have had some of our best friends from Sweden here to visit and the due date of Almqvist baby #4 is getting closer! Julia and Samuel Willkander, Linnea Hagenfors and Nina Anderson have stayed at our house (we have a big house!!!) and we have had many good laughs, deep talks and fun times together. They are amazing people in many ways... We have also had the priviledge to have Johannes Amritzer here for 2 weeks! He has been teaching at our ministry school and preaching at APC as well. It's been so great to spend time, talk and pray together. He's the best boss, friend and pastor!


This past week I've handed my job over to Nina as well. She'll be filling in for me when I'm on maternity leave for a couple of months. Nina is such a sweet spirited woman, she does everything with a smile on her face, works very hard and meticulously and I know she'll do a great job. Feels a little awkward not to work for awhile - after all I LOVE what I do... But I am longing to have more time with my kids as well, so this is for the best.

One of my new favorite TV shows is Undercovers... I admit - I love action series... Anyway I think these two couples are a little bit of a look-alike.

Published: By: The Almqvists - 10:53 PM

Friday, November 12, 2010

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

The aftermath of a festival

A month ago I was in Haiti for a Signs & Wonders Festival with Mission SOS. And the event was a success for the Kingdom of God. Looking back now, we can see how God’s favor was all over the event. We had clear skies the week before the festival and only a couple of short rains the week of the event. Since we left, Haiti has been hammered with rain; downpour after downpour.

You have probable also read the news about the Cholera outbreak all over the nation. And as if an earthquake and a Cholera epidemic is not enough, Haiti was hit by hurricane Tomas a few days ago. Honestly, I have no clue how the Haitian people survive. It must be that built in survival mentality that God has deposited within us in creation. Mankind has always, in all times been fighters and we survive disasters, wars and almost everything that life throws at us.

Monday afternoon, the day after the festival was over, Pastor Elius Michel came to the festival ground and was given permission to use two Unicef tents as a make shift church building. He had around 50 people show up. They became his new church. Today, a month later, Pastor Elius meets around 200 people daily in his church. These people had no hope a month ago. Then Jesus came to their camp and gave them hope. The gospel is such a beauty. To see how lives are transformed by the power that it contains. There is nothing else that carries the power to change a prostitute and make her a fine lady or make a street boy a gentleman. They also handed out school benches from the newly started church... Benches that were donated in Norway to the people of Haiti. A big thank you from the people of Haiti to the people of Norway.

God’s love is poured out to people all over the globe and he wants and needs us to be his vessels and channels. Are you ready to be a channel for God’s love and compassion?

Published: By: The Almqvists - 3:14 PM


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