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Tuesday, March 29, 2011


Thank You God for Laundry, Cleaning and Cooking!

My life right now consists of a whole lot of cooking, cleaning, feeding, changing diapers, doing laundry, working from my home etc etc. Tasks that most people would consider to be stuff that we do just because we have to and not neccesarily because we want to...  I could look at everything from that point of view (and believe me, sometimes I do!!!) and feel overwhelmed, swamped and bored, but I could also do what a good friend told me years ago when I was whining about some dull task; see the positive in everything! So, I'm trying to do just that and thank God that I get to do all these things;

Thank you God that I get to go grocery shopping - means that I have money to shop with!
Thank you God that I get to do laundry - means that I have a family!
Thank you God that I get to clean my house - means I actually have a home!
Thank you God that I can work from home - means I have a job!
Thank you God for diapers that need to be changed, little handprints on windows and feedings that need to be done - means you have given me the opportunity to stay home with my two little ones!

And seriously - who would not be thankful to see this little happy face everyday???


About The Almqvists

Hi, my name is Peter Almqvist and I am a minister of help. I work with setting up large outdoor evangelistic festivals all around the world, primarily in Africa. Currently we are on what we are calling the African Capital City Tour, or ACCT for short. We preach the gospel to those that have not heard or have yet to respond. The cry of the lost has been heard and we are responding to their SOS.


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