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Friday, March 11, 2011


He Will Never Leave!

Today as I was driving from one errend to another this song started playing on the radio and I found myself bawling in the car... You know, sometimes life can be a little hard and challenging, but as I sat there singing this song, I was reminded what the Lord has said. He never promised that everything would be easy or served on a silver platter, some circumstances are hard. BUT He DID promise that whatever life throws at us, and whatever pain we go through, He will always be there to carry us through, and He will never leave!

I mean, my daughter Josefina has diabetes, a disease that she will have all her life if not a miracle occurs. But even though we have to monitor her blood sugar levels all the time, wake up in the middle of the night to see that she's all right doesn't mean that I have stopped believing in miracles! And even though relatives pass away in illnessess doesn't mean that God has stopped performing the impossible. My God is a miracle worker! He heals, delivers, raises up and restores what is broken! I will never back down from beleiving! I will never stop praying for my daughter's miracle - it's coming! My God is the Creator God and He can do anything! And He will never leave you or forsake you!

Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice!
Phil 4:4


About The Almqvists

Hi, my name is Peter Almqvist and I am a minister of help. I work with setting up large outdoor evangelistic festivals all around the world, primarily in Africa. Currently we are on what we are calling the African Capital City Tour, or ACCT for short. We preach the gospel to those that have not heard or have yet to respond. The cry of the lost has been heard and we are responding to their SOS.



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